Today, I’ll be talking about one of the most common struggles us girls face – not being able to slim down. When it comes to your weight, when you gain a few extra pounds, it’s easy to think that once you start being healthy again, they’ll quickly melt away. However, that’s not always the case. Sometimes those extra few pounds just won’t budge, despite the fact you’re eating well and exercising regularly.

You’re doing everything that you normally do to lose weight, and yet, the pounds are still refusing to budget. This really is one of life’s most infuriating mysteries – why can’t you shed those extra pounds? If you just can’t seem to lose weight, there will be a reason for it; it’s just a case of working out what this is. Something that can sometimes seem like an impossible task.

To help you get to the bottom of things, here are a few reasons why you may be struggling to shift that extra weight. As well as ways to deal with them.

You’re measuring wrong

One of the most common reasons people think they’re not losing weight is because they’re measuring wrong. If you’re exercising regularly, as you workout, you’ll gain muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat, which means when you step on the scale it will look like you’ve gained weight or stayed the same. So, instead of weighing yourself on the scales, use a tape measure and use inch loss to tell if you’re losing weight. Ask any personal trainer and they’ll tell you that measuring the inches lost is better than weighing yourself.

You have stubborn fat

The reason that you’re not losing weight could be because you have stubborn fat. Some areas of your body, such as your upper thighs and stomach, are prone to stubborn fat. This is fat that it’s incredibly difficult to get rid of. The best thing you can do to get rid of this type of fat is eat as cleanly as possible and avoid eating unhealthy fats wherever possible. With exercise and healthy eating, this fat will eventually go, it just takes time, that’s all. If, however, you want results quickly, you could try fat freezing at a medispa facility. This is a safe and non-invasive procedure that allows you to target specific areas of stubborn fat. If you’ve got fat that just won’t budge, it’s an option that’s worth considering.

The foods you’re eating aren’t healthy enough

You might think that you’re eating healthily, but the truth is the foods you’re eating aren’t as healthy as you think. Did you know that pre-made food sauces for pasta, curries, and so on, are packed full or sugar and fat? Or, that some iced coffee drinks have up to 12 teaspoons of sugar in them? The truth is, lots of foods masquerade as being healthy, when actually, they’re far from it. If you want to lose weight, it’s best to make as much as your food from scratch as possible. That way, you can control how healthy it is and help to aid your weight loss.

If you’re struggling to slim down, hopefully, the above advice will help to make it easier for you. It’s not always easy to lose weight. However, with the right lifestyle changes, it is possible.


Natasha Kundi

Natasha Kundi is the owner of All rights are reserved with her.


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