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4 Warm Tips For Breaking Past Your Style Limits

One of the easiest bad habits to hold is to place limits on yourself. Of course, in some cases, this isn’t a bad habit at all. Learning to hold your tongue when you’re about to lose your temper and expressing that frustration in a healthy way, later on, is a self-imposed limit, but it’s one almost anyone could benefit from.

However, sometimes our limits can be deeply held and when we investigate their reasoning, we find that they have almost no real grounding in the real world. Perhaps you’ve decided that you will never get a tattoo, not because you don’t like them, not because they don’t seem appealing to you, but because “you’re just not that sort of person.” In this case, it might be worth examining why.

Of course, you have no obligation to book an appointment with a tattooist. But if you’re interested in trying one, remember when your parent mentioned how much they disliked them in your childhood, you may realize where self-imposed limits have been hindering you. You wouldn’t be alone, as many people hold these faulty perspectives and outlooks, and have a hard time holding them.

Let’s warmly discuss a few techniques you could use to break past your style limits:

Start by Adding One New Element

You don’t have to change your entire look and wardrobe in one day. If you fancy a little change, you can have just that, a little change. It might even be as simple as wearing a new kind of hat you think looked good on someone you saw in public. It might involve wearing a little more jewelry. It might be trying on a dress after decades of not wearing them. Whatever you enjoy, try it, and buy a fitted option for you. See how it feels. This will give you the confidence to try and move forward, provided it gives you joy.

Consider The Various Options

It’s easy to think one form of fashionable expression is all there is. For example, if you were to think about “goth” styles, you would likely think of someone glad all in black. But that’s not all there is. For example, there are pastel goths, Victorian goths, romantic goths, and more. 

Sure, that might not be for you, but it just shows how even in a somewhat strict stereotype, there is room to travel. So, you might enjoy wearing earrings, but perhaps you’ll decide to have your tragus pierced to switch it up. Some might even love stretches and the perfect stone gauges for an earthy, almost tribal look. Having fun with different options is the basis of freedom, and if fashion doesn’t make you feel free, what is it good for?

Explore Fashion With A Friend

If you’re like most people and usually only engage in fashion when we feel it’s need for a change in our wardrobe, or perhaps on a seasonal run, you might not have the usual habit of going into stores except for when you need something, not want something.

For this reason, exploring fashion with a friend or relative who knows a little more about the ins and outs can be helpful. From having your shoe size remeasured to speaking to a local seamstress who can tailor your clothes and make old garments fit to your body shape now, sometimes having that backup option can make a profound difference in your personal wear.

It can also help you bounce ideas off your friend, though remember not to take advice or warnings to heart if you really want to express yourself, sometimes you just have to try something to know. Shopping with a friend becomes a little less daunting when you have that warm guidance along with you.

Take A Photo Of Your Outfit Each Day

Think of a home cook learning a new cuisine. They know they don’t make Michelin-star meals, but they’re so proud of a new recipe or meal they’ve made, they tend to take a picture to remember the process and the beauty of enjoying the main event.

You can do that with your clothes, also. Having a catalog of outfits you matched, which made you feel your best, and adjustments you might make can help you have fun with fashion, perhaps like you did as a child with dolls but this time with your own expression. You don’t have to post these anywhere, but a nice little album for yourself can help you consider more about how you look, and how you like to express your wellbeing.

With this advice, you’re certain to break past your style limits for the better.

Image by Mark Mook from Pixabay

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