Broken are the mirrors of my soul
Misty loneliness is spread all over
A desert of my painful nostalgia
Is flooded with my tears.
In the darkness of every night
The wounds of my heart burn
When he refuses to concede me
To break my innocent desires
With such cruel intentions
Yes! He’s the one who lives in my heart

I’ve lost all my dreams
Dreams… that were my only anticipation
To endure in this malicious world
When I think about the beautiful times
That belonged to you and I
Those times seem to drift away
It makes me shiver, as I taste my tears
While I cry thinking
Of the one who lives in my heart.

The severity of your serene memories
Clench my heart so tightly
I see my euphoria falling
Into the sea of my tears
With my eyes so full of cravings
I see so far away
Yet no happiness seems to be in sight
So I keep no expectations
From the one who lives in my heart.

Now that I’m left all alone
Alone to bear the anguish
To bear the pain of feeling lost
Lost in the world of shadows
But no one can feel the pain
Except my shadow my existence and me
Not even the one who lives in my heart.

Natasha Kundi

Natasha Kundi is the owner of All rights are reserved with her.


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