
Many people get affected by pimples. This condition is common in both men and women. It is a skin condition in which bacteria cause infection in the sebaceous glands. This results in the swelling up of the skin and then puss fills in it. Lots of lotions and medicines are available in the market to get rid of this condition but it takes time and patience to treat pimples. Natural and home remedies are more effective than all the chemicals. Here are few home remedies which will help you to remove your pimples easily.

1)      The use of ice is the best way to get rid of pimples immediately. The reason behind this is that ice improves the blood circulation and removes the dirt and oil which is present on the pimple. Just wrap the ice in a soft piece of cloth and gently rub it on pimple. Keep it doing for few minutes and you’ll see the results.

2)      Vitamin C is necessary component for skin and lemons are rich in vitamin C. lemon actually helps to dry the pimple quickly. Get small amount of lemon juice, dip cotton swab in it and apply it on pimples before going to bed. When you wake up in the morning, wash your face with lukewarm water. If you have sensitive skin then don’t use this remedy.

3)      Honey is the natural medicine for all types of diseases because it is considered an antibiotic. Dip a cotton swab in honey and apply it on pimples. Leave it for overnight and wash your face in the morning. This is the best remedy.

Natasha Kundi

Natasha Kundi is the owner of All rights are reserved with her.


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