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The Ultimate Girls Night In

When we live such hectic lives, it can be hard to gather all the girls in one place. When you’re working hard, studying, raising a family or doing a multitude of other activities that people have the opportunity and inclination to do these days, sometimes you forget to bring it back to basics and just chill out.

Friends are worth making time for, and yet we often either feel guilty for never having chance to, or left out because we feel neglected by a friend who has left us out the loop. There’s an easy remedy which will suit all lifestyles and financial situations, and providing you’re all at least somewhat local (or can travel!) there’s absolutely nothing like a good old girls’ night in. Of course, the trick with these things is to be able to chill, but you need to find the balance between a snore fest and a kids’ sleepover, so here are a few ideas. Right, snacks at the ready – just what can you plan?

Bingo Night!

Don’t worry, you’re not quite at the stage of having to surround yourself with the grannies just yet! However, there’s nothing wrong with a little bit of bingo. If you’ve ever been to Vegas or even casinos a little closer to home, you’ll know there’s nothing quite like the thrill of winning.

   by  Moyan_Brenn 

Of course, you can play old-school style like you literally did at school (you know, on paper, for some sweets!) or you can up the stakes a little with some online gaming with real cash prizes as an incentive. To get you started, there are a range of bingo games for UK players to try, and it’s bound to get everyone giggling away!

Mini Come Dine With Me

How often have we sat in front of the TV getting super annoyed whilst watching Come Dine With Me? It’s frustrating when you just KNOW you could do a better job than ‘Sally from Sussex’ or whichever other bumbling idiot is gracing the screens!


   by  ** RCB ** 

With a bit of luck, you’ll fare better and there’s nothing like hosting a good old-fashioned dinner party with friends. Plus, if you stick to the format of the show, it’s an excuse for multiple meet ups, plus you can let your competitive side reign.

Netflix & Chill

Once the foray of loners who’d managed to get five minutes to themselves, Netflix is now the ultimate in 21st century social activities. Get your mind out the gutter – whilst in recent months it’s been associated with new couples, it’s also the best activity for fun with girlfriends, too.

   by  matsuyuki 

Crack open that bottle of wine and the popcorn and sit back whilst you laugh at the dubious fashion choices of the wardrobe department and cringe at the terrible acting of all the Americans in the latest trashy drama.

It’s important that every woman has a range of friends she can rely on. Don’t let yours become secondary to your life – a balanced social life leads to a balanced home, career and relationships.

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